
Former PG&E Programmer Family witnesses and family murdered

Letter to PG&E, FBI, CPUC, SAG and Walnut Creek

The Cherry Letter

During week prior Pete Bennett attempted to meet with PG&E Executives regarding issues with the San Bruno Explosion, the theft of PG&E documents from his laptop during a July 7th, 2011 arrest. Instead he was met with threats of arrests.

Saturday July 26th 2014

Mr. Brian Cherry
77 Beale Street, Room 1087
San Francisco, CA 94105

Mail Code B10C
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
P.O. Box 770000
San Francisco, CA 94177
Internal: 223.4977
Fax: 415.973.7226
Internet: BKC7@pge.com

Re: San Bruno Fire September 2010

  1. Possible Domestic Terrorism Access 
    • Valves, Gas Lines, Fuel Lines and related infrastructure information 
  2. Metcalf Station Maps 
    • Possible connection to Sniper Attack 
  3. PG&E Software Sub Contractor Dispute 
    1. Connected accidents and several attempted murders of this vendor
    2.  Ravenel Enterprises - False PG&E Projects / Internal Security Breach
  4. SharePoint Documents Stolen From Laptop
  5. Impact on my Sons 
    1. When PG&E welches on it's vendor People end homeless
      1. When you don't pay your bills it actually effects others
    2. One near fatal accident in 2005 
    3. The Perfect Arson Target for my connection to the Gas Pipeline Explosions 
Dear Mr. Cherry,

I am writing to express my concerns over the handling of my complaints in regards to following events related to payments or lack of, several hit and runs targeting this former PG&E vendor and related information connecting the 2004 Kinder Morgan Fire in Walnut Creek CA, several fires in Walnut Creek, the kidnapping of a PG&E Employee working in the same building Wiget address where project meetings were held and the near pathetic indifferent response from PG&E security, the legal department, outside legal counsel Attorney Kate Dyer and internal PG&E resources who've been fully informed about the many attempts on my life since being contracted to PG&E post explosion efforts.

Paying Your Vendors (me) vs. Leaving me to be hit by cars 

Around 9:00 AM today (7/26/14) another attempt was made to hit me in a crosswalk.  Last year my roommate was mugged resulting in severe head injury, my other roommate was David Bremer was murdered somewhere between Walnut Creek to Martinez Detention Facility (MDF)) where he was beaten to death.

He was a nice kid sad story here in Contra Costa County where we should really call this place Cold Case County as we have blacks hanging from trees back in the 80s, where little old Japanese Ladies (Fake Tip Line) burn to death on remote road,  where the Town of Lafayette Chief Christiansen refused to investigate my July 20th, 2011 accident but lest not forget I was nearly killed while working on the deadliest gas pipeline explosion in the country.

PG&E Security, Inside and Outside Counsel

A few weeks ago I visited PG&E Offices in an attempt to resolve the Ravenell issues.  My goal was to get paid but instead I was left outside with the three goons.  We'll tell the goons that once again someone tried to run me today and this time they missed again but it was close.

Outside Counsel Attorney Kate Dyer 
  1. Possible Domestic Terrorism Access 
    • Valves, Gas Lines, Fuel Lines and related infrastructure information 
  2. Metcalf Station Maps 
    • Possible connection to Sniper Attack 
  3. PG&E Software Sub Contractor Dispute 
    1. Connected accidents and several attempted murders of this vendor
    2.  Ravenel Enterprises - False PG&E Projects / Internal Security Breach
  4. SharePoint Documents Stolen From Laptop
  5. Impact on my Sons 
    1. When PG&E welches on it's vendor People end homeless
      1. When you don't pay your bills it actually effects others
    2. One near fatal accident in 2005 
    3. The Perfect Arson Target for my connection to the Gas Pipeline Explosions 

The Core Issues Are:
  • The PG&E San Bruno Gas Line Explosion 
  • A PG&E Funded software development project with Ravenel Enterprises 
  • Possible Domestic Terrorism data breach
  • The Metcalf Sniper Attack 
  • Connections between the only two deadly Northern California Gas Pipeline/Fuel Line Explosions 
  • Domestic Terrorism Links related to pipe bombs 
  • The San Bruno Fire Gas Can Man
  • The Hillgrade Ave Pipe Bomb Events - Dangerous Downstream Valve Attack 
  • The Driscoll Murders Connected to the Kinder Morgan Fire 
  • The deceased witness
PG&E's Failure to Address Complaints 
On July 20th 2011 my car was totaled enroute to Lafayette CA from Walnut Creek.  At the time I was contracted to PG&E where unknowingly possessed thousands of pages of maps, GPS, sensitive internal documents, litigation sensitive files, and was essentially by definition facing criminal imprisonment over Child Support a problem developed over issues related to persons now in Federal Prison

I'm also betting they are now key suspects in many primarily East Bay arson fires which in brief several are highlighted below
  1. Attorney Don Moats at 1776 Ygnacio Valley Road 2001
  2. August 2004 Bennett Truck Fire (arson) NB 680 Danville
  3. November 2004 Kinder Morgan 
  4. March 2010 Piedmont Fire - Pictures by SFPD Lt. David Oberhoffer
  5. Sept 2010 San Bruno Fire

There are many East Bay Fires started by molotov cocktails being tossed through businesses along with far too many restaurant fires of which several are businesses connected to my former Commercial Cabinet Shop Projects back in the 80s.

Incident Overview  
  1. PG&E High Performance Engineer 
    1. Hugh Smith - Senior Performance Engineer at PG&E 
    2. His connection to a SFPD Lt. David Ober
  1. Suicide Connected to SCADA Control Expert 
  2. The San Bruno Fire Gas Can Man 
  3. PG&E Vendor Ravenel Enterprises 
    1. How did I get through your background checks 
    2. Why has PG&E ignored my concerns about this vendor 
    3. Critical PG&E Data 

The Blogs - why they are here

Throughout my blog you'll find references to many incidents that go far beyond the Explosions.

 I've endured pre/posts San Bruno Fire and pre Kinder Morgan Explosions.  Lafayette Police's handling of my 2011 accident which was they refused to handle it meaning no police report, no investigation and tough luck you were almost killed.

Attacks now almost weekly

A Mid-August 2004 Jet Fueled Arson
Gas Transmission Group Incidents 

Your Vendor
Pete Bennett

PG&E in the Gas Transmission Group as a High Performance Engineer.

CC: City Of Lafayette
City Of Walnut Creek Legal Department
CHP State of California Threat Assessment Group
Town of Danville
CEO Michael Fleming CSAC Excess Insurance Authority (EIA)

Jake O'Malley
Executive Risk Manager, 1911 San Miguel Dr., #200, Walnut Creek, CA 94596, (925) 943-1100 - jomalley@mpa-nc.com

go to top  Michael Fleming CEO
CSAC Excess Insurance Authority, 75 Iron Point Circle, Suite 200, Folsom, CA 95630, (916) 850-7300


PG&E Software Sub Contractor Dispute

In March 2011 I was contracted to PG&E at the rate of $65 per hour to develop tracking databases in highly fluid project connected to the HydroTesting, the San Bruno Fire and Welding all of which are connected to this US Grand Jury Indictment where I personally appreciate the gusto of Senator Jerry who is out there shouting for his constituents which in contrast State Senator Mark DeSaulnier

Coming soon . ..  Possible Domestic Terrorism Links

Without great detail at this time there are numerous connections to the PG&E and Kinder Morgan Fire.  I've met probing PI's, probing investigators, law enforcement personnel and respective investigators who all have come to me.  The only time I reached out directly was to CAL Fire Pipeline Safety Group, then later to EBMUD who are fully informed about my position about deaths near their catastrophic event.

Disposition of Highly Sensitive PG&E Documents Stolen From Laptop  

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Ray Nazemi and PG&E

Ray Nazemi

Managing Director at BASE Aircraft Leasing & Management LLC

San Francisco Bay Area192 connections


  • Managing Director

    BASE Aircraft Leasing & Management LLC

     - Present2 years 5 months

    San Francisco

    Specializing in sales, leasing and technical management of aircraft, including structural modifications and Cargo conversions.

  • Director

    Blendace Management Limited

     - Present7 years 4 months

    San Francisco

    Serving small to midsize carriers in Europe and Central Asia regions specializing in secondary market transactions including acquisitions and proprietary leases covering passenger, business jet and cargo aircraft. Blendace also advises select military clients on acquisitions and service on a variety of platforms which includes collaboration with major defense contractors on the delivery, technical management, and long-term maintenance of Non-Tactical aircraft tailored to enhance the client’s mission critical requirements.


PG&E names 11 new board members as part of bankruptcy overhaul

FILE - In this Aug. 15, 2019, file photo, a Pacific Gas & Electric worker walks in front of a truck in San Francisco. Pacific Gas and Electric has reworked a $13.5 billion settlement with victims of deadly wildfires blamed on the utility to try to prevent it from unraveling after California Gov. Gavin Newsom rejected the company's financial rehabilitation plan. The revision discussed in a bankruptcy court hearing Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2019, removes a provision requiring Newsom to approve the deal as a key piece of PG&E's plan to emerge from bankruptcy protection by June 30. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu, File)

PG&E Corp. on Wednesday announced the names of 11 new board members who will help steer the company after the expected conclusion of its bankruptcy case this year.

The San Francisco parent of Pacific Gas and Electric Co. said six of the new directors are from California, in keeping with the desires of state officials. PG&E agreed to “substantial modifications” to its board in a bankruptcy deal with Gov. Gavin Newsom this year.

PG&E said the directors will provide “substantial expertise in key areas critical to the company’s work” such as utility operations, safety, risk management, regulatory affairs, engagement with customers and more.

New directors will be seated on the board “at or prior” to the end of the bankruptcy, PG&E said.

PG&E’s announcement comes more than one month after the company said that only three of its current 13 board members would remain in their roles after the company emerges from Chapter 11. It’s part of a series of changes coming to PG&E as its bankruptcy case winds down, including the forthcoming departure of CEO Bill Johnson.

The new board members will be: Rajat Bahri, chief financial officer of San Francisco e-commerce company Wish; Kerry Cooper, former president and CEO of shoe brand Rothy’s; Jessica Denecour, former senior VP and chief information officer at Palo Alto’s Varian Medical Systems; Ret. Adm. Mark Ferguson, senior adviser to private consultancies and the Institute for Defense Analysis and NATO Allied Command Transformation; Bob Flexon, former CEO of Houston energy company Dynegy; Craig Fugate, chief emergency management officer of Menlo Park startup One Concern and a former administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency; Arno Harris, managing partner of energy advisory firm AHC; Mike Niggli, who spent 13 years at San Diego Gas & Electric parent Sempra Energy; Dean Seavers, former president and executive director at British energy company National Grid; Dara Treseder, chief marketing officer of Redwood City’s Carbon; and Ben Wilson, chairman of the law firm Beveridge & Diamond PC.

PG&E previously said that it would retain three of its current board members: Cheryl Campbell, John Woolard and Bill Smith, a former AT&T executive who will become interim CEO of PG&E when Johnson departs at the end of the month.

“Throughout the bankruptcy, the governor has stressed the need for fundamental transformation of this utility so it can provide its customers with safe reliable affordable and clean power,” a spokesman for Newsom said in a statement. “Consistent with these goals, the state required that the company’s new board of directors be independent of Wall Street hedge funds, primarily comprised of Californians, with deep expertise on safety and operational change. The board that was announced today meets the state’s requirements.”

Nora Mead Brownell, the current PG&E board chairwoman, said in a statement that installing a new board is a “critical component of PG&E’s plan to emerge from bankruptcy as a reimagined utility.” She thanked the departing directors for helping PG&E “navigate the very difficult issues this company has faced.”


An earlier version of this story misstated the title of Carbon's Dara Treseder. She is the chief marketing officer. It also incorrectly described AHC. It is an energy advisory firm.

“This is the right time for a changeover given that the company will soon emerge from bankruptcy and start a new chapter,” Brownell said in the statement.

California regulators approved PG&E’s bankruptcy restructuring plan, which included changes to the board, two weeks ago. The company’s bankruptcy judge is weighing whether to do the same, which would help PG&E meet a June 30 deadline to be eligible for a new form of state-sanctioned corporate wildfire insurance.

The company said this week that it plans to sell its San Francisco headquarters and move to Oakland in 2022. PG&E has been based in San Francisco since its founding 115 years ago.

J.D. Morris is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: jd.morris@sfchronicle.com Twitter: @thejdmorris



Kyle Adkins, Principal, Savano Capital Partners | Karine Agajanian, Senior Analyst, Anzu Partners | Sanjay Aggarwal, Venture Partner, F-Prime Capital Partners | Magdi Amin, Investment Partner, Omidyar Network | Mark Austin, Managing Director, Viridian Capital | Salman Azhar, Duke University | Sunny Bai, CRCM | Janet Bannister, Partner, Real Ventures | Peter Bastien, Principal, Next47 | Alex Beletsky, SideCar Angels | Raghav Bhargava, NEA | Victor Bian, Intellectual Ventures | Blake Billiet, Hyperplane | Laura Bock, Investor, QED Investors | Nabil Borhanu, Graphene Ventures | Will Borthwick, Senior Associate, Bold Capital Partners | Lee Bouyea, Fresh Tracks Capital | Eric Breese, Investment Manager, Evonik Venture Capital | Maxx Bricklin, Founding Principal, Bold Capital Partners | Jason Cahill, Founder & Managing Director, Carbon Ventures | Neil Callahan, Pilot Growth | Efayomi Carr, Quona Capital | Sara Chamberlain, Managing Director, Energy Foundry | Christopher Chu, Managing Director, Samsung Catalyst Fund | Sam Clemens, Partner, Accomplice | Ken Cowan, OpenView | Meghan Cross Breeden, Managing Partner, Red Bear Angels | David Cruikshank, ARCH Venture Partners | Sophia Dardashti, Worldquant Venture | Tracy Deforge, Founding Managing Director, The Players' Impact | Alexander Del Balso, BV Investment Partners | Alan Du, Investor, Millennium Technology Value Partners | Kathryn Meng Elmes, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center | Alison Ernst, Senior Manager of Investments, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center | James Falkoff, Converge | Michael Fanfant, Senior Associate, Runa Capital | David Feldman, Analyst, Indicator Ventures | Bill Ferguson, Associate, Volition Capital | Mark G. Fields, Partner, Alsop Louie Partners | Hilary Flynn, Director of Incubation, National Grid Partners | Shawn Flynn, Investment Director, Bay Angels | Prashant Fonseka, Principal, Tuesday Capital | Haley Fradkin, Investment Associate, Plum Alley Investments | Lisa Frusztajer, 1843 Capital | Kyle Fugere, Head of Ventures, dunnhumby Ventures | Shaan Gandhi, Longwood Fund | Joy Ghosh, Investor, Bain Capital Ventures | Jamil Goheer, Managing Partner & Cofounder, CoVenture | Ben Gorman, Associate, F-Prime Capital Partners | Edward Greer, Corporate Technology Scout, Dow Ventures | Jacob E. 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Westlake Village Man Takes Stand to Deny Attacking Ex-Wife in ’99

Westlake Village Man Takes Stand to Deny Attacking Ex-Wife in ’99


Cool and affable, a Westlake Village businessman Tuesday denied beating his ex-wife over the head with a heavy metal flashlight three years ago and told jurors he was home asleep when the near-fatal assault occurred.

Lee Mannheimer, 59, acknowledged that he has no alibi for the late-night hours of Sept. 11, 1999, when the attack occurred.

But he calmly denied entering the Camarillo-area home of his former spouse, Linda Morrisset, and cracking her skull during a violent rage, as she alleges.

Morrisset, a 51-year-old accountant who is now partly paralyzed and uses a wheelchair, told jurors last week that Mannheimer “bashed my head in.”


But, asked by his attorney, Greg Ramirez, whether he assaulted Morrisset, Mannheimer responded Tuesday: “No, never.”

Mannheimer was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after Morrisset awoke from a 16-day coma and identified him as her attacker. He was released from jail after prosecutors found too little evidence to file charges.

Mannheimer temporarily lost custody of his 9-year-old son amid the allegations, however, and sued his ex-wife for slander. She, in turn, sued him for assault and battery.

Lawyers have characterized the civil trial in Ventura County Superior Court as the extension of a very uncivil divorce.

But Mannheimer testified Tuesday that despite some rough patches after their breakup in 1993, he and his ex-wife got along fine and shared custody of their son, Maxx.

In fact, on the day Morrisset was attacked, Mannheimer said he spent a pleasant day with his son, taking Cub Scout photos and shopping at Universal CityWalk. He tucked the boy into bed about 9:30 p.m. and went to sleep himself an hour later, he testified.

Mannheimer said he never saw his ex-wife that day, although she contended she went to his home in a mix-up over where Maxx would spend the night.

Mannheimer said he was not aware of his former wife’s near-fatal injuries until investigators came to his office two days later.

Mannheimer also flatly denied that he asked a business associate, Anthony Gigliotti, to follow his estranged wife in mid-1993, or paid him $10,000 to make her “disappear.”

“It never happened,” Mannheimer said.

The alleged murder-for-hire plot was investigated by federal authorities and led to Gigliotti’s arrest in August 1993.

Neither Gigliotti nor Mannheimer was ever charged with a crime.

Questioned about the 1993 events, Mannheimer described Gigliotti as a friend and business associate who had expressed concern over Mannheimer’s pending divorce and the potential of losing custody of his son.

Without his knowledge, Mannheimer said, Gigliotti had tried to investigate Morrisset. He said he told Gigliotti not to get involved.

Gigliotti, a resident of Danville, Calif., also took the stand Tuesday and denied involvement in a murder-for-hire scheme.

Asked if Mannheimer, his former boss, offered to pay him $10,000 to follow Morrisset, Gigliotti scoffed and responded: “He’s the cheapest person in the world. No, he would never do that.”


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